INVITATION TO WORK WITH ME 1-ON-1 - “The Road to Your Authentic Life - 16-Week Program”
This is an invitation for people that are at a crossroads in life, that feel lost or unsure and desire to get to a point where they are certain about who they truly are, what they want and have absolute clarity about their own path.
This is a 16-week program where you work with me on the past, present and future in the following way:
1) We start by working on the vision of your future. There is something that you don’t have or are struggling with. We work together to discover what you truly want so you can define your own direction. We investigate your desires and aspirations so we can establish clear goals that you can work towards. This is about looking at the different areas of your life but it’s also more than that. The most important aspect has to do with who you want to be as a person, which qualities you want to embody but are missing right now and which ones are not serving you anymore. I will teach you approaches to let go of the latter ones and to cultivate the qualities you desire to have.
2) We are going to look at what is preventing you from reaching the goals you have or what is making you feel lost. This is related to the past. We are going to look at the patterns that keep reappearing and prevent you from progressing in the direction you want. Then we will take care of the emotional baggage you are carrying from past events in your life that negatively affect your growth, fulfillment and happiness. We start by analysing your beliefs and mindsets to identify which of them are holding you back. Then we are going to redesign these beliefs and mindsets so they become constructive and empowering. I’m going to provide you with my own process for handling negative emotions, such as anxiety, fear and self-doubt so you can handle any challenges that might be in the way.
3) We are going to define the right plan of action to execute in the present. First, we look at your current actions to assess if they are in alignment with your goals. Then, we fix and readjust them to create a concrete and practical plan for you to execute in “real world” scenarios of your life, so you can start seeing results. This is also about having the right attitude from the moment you wake up. Establishing the right attitudes is particularly relevant in challenging situations, such as when you feel pressured or stressed. When it comes to actions, this is not only about what you do but also about how you do it. Therefore, we are going to work on your own way of doing things and expressing yourself. It’s about finding your own voice and expressing it in a fully authentic manner in all areas of life. That’s what I call living your truth.
The above 3 points form the process that I have developed and perfected in my personal life over the last 6 years and it’s now being used to help my clients transform their lives. It has been proven effective to overcome fears and anxiety, change careers, and improve relationships. I’m going to support you for 16 weeks as you incorporate your new approach and actions into your life.
In the program you get 1-on-1 Zoom calls with me, recordings of the sessions, detailed assignments and instructions, and unlimited daily written feedback on your work. The current investment for this program is in the low 4 figures.
This program is for someone who genuinely wants transformation, somebody with ambitions that might have already achieved a certain level of success in certain areas of life but feels that something is still missing. Someone that is open to do the deep work needed to change the most challenging aspects of themselves. In other words, you need to be someone that desires growth but needs guidance to understand better what is holding you back and take the actions necessary to overcome your struggles. Reach out to me if you are interested in this offer by sending me a DM. We will chat and see if it is a good fit.
Looking forward to talking to you 🙏