Don’t look for quick fixes. Instead, crave to learn tools that you can use and reuse your whole life to solve any problem you might encounter. Become bullet-proof.
Don’t look for quick fixes. Instead, crave to learn tools that you can use and reuse your whole life to solve any problem you might encounter. Become bullet-proof.
I am not a “fixer”, as much as I enjoy helping people overcome their challenges and facilitate their transformation, I cannot fix anyone’s problems for them, that’s not my role. My role is to guide, point out a way, and give you the tools you need to follow it. I help you put into place the right habits, mindsets, healing practices, and action plans. If you have breakthroughs along the way, we embrace them. In fact, I do what I can to make them happen for you.
Nevertheless, keep in mind that most improvements occur in small cumulative steps that compound over time to lead to the desired results in the medium to long term. That’s how learning works, that’s how growing works: it takes time. That’s one of the reasons why my program is 16-week long, so you have enough time to learn, practice, and implement. More importantly, you have enough time for those results to accumulate and have a far greater impact on your life than they would have otherwise.
I want my clients to know how to discover all the pleasant things, such as what they want in life and how to enjoy it to the fullest, but I also want them to know what to do in hard times. I want them to know how to deal with anxiety on their own, how to face fears, how to keep pushing forwards during difficult times. I want them to be bullet-proof. This requires me to teach how to overcome problems, as well as how to cultivate the qualities that might be lacking.
Breakthroughs are fascinating moments in the process of transformation. Most of us have experienced eureka moments when a big change or realisation occurred and became permanent from that moment on. We love these moments, they are amazing, but sometimes create the false idea that, if change doesn’t occur in that manner, it won’t happen at all. Of course, that is an erroneous and dangerous belief. Furthermore, we can be tempted to chase such moments and become demotivated if they do not occur. In the same way, if we look at other people and see big changes happening, we might incorrectly assume that, if we don’t change as fast as they do, we are unable to change. This is an equally dangerous line of thinking that can lead us to get forever stuck.
In my work, I love when clients have breakthroughs, to see a massive change happening in front of my eyes during a session is intoxicating for me and for them. These are truly beautiful moments, so don’t take me wrong when I say there is something that is more meaningful to me and that I feel is my true role and purpose: to give my clients the tools they need, so they can use now and whenever they need them later in life.
The reason why I prefer to give my clients tools and processes they can rely on is because if I give them that instead of breakthroughs, they can truly become independent and through the process find more about who they really are as a person. I do not want my clients to be dependent on me, I want them to be able to change according to their own will, I want them to experience true freedom. Moreover, in that way, they can also start seeing the principles behind the right practices and that is a bigger gift than a breakthrough. This means that their understanding expands and they get true power and control of their life and well-being.
Let me give you an example to illustrate my point of view when it comes to the two processes of transformation: the fast one, through breakthroughs, and the slow one, through small cumulative steps taken daily. Let’s say a client is experiencing high levels of anxiety and is not capable of dealing with it. The anxiety is overwhelming and might even be a permanent state experienced from the moment of waking up until the moment of going to sleep. On top of that, there might be especially triggering situations, like public speaking or a particular relationship, that cause extra stress, risking being close to a full-on panic attack.
Now I have 2 options to consider. The first one is the fast route where I can guide the client through an exercise that lowers the state of anxiety immediately. Sometimes the level of anxiety lowers so much that clients report that they do not remember ever feeling so peaceful before. In this case, the client will have a huge moment of relief that often comes with the feeling of “I am finally breathing freely”. Moments like this are very inspiring, they fuel hope and leave a strong mark in the mind: “this state of calmness and bliss is possible for me too”. This is all great, there is only a problem. As soon as the client leaves the session, starts progressively shifting away from that state and sooner or later finds him/herself close to the initial state of anxiety, not knowing exactly what to do.
My second option is to explain how to progressively overcome anxiety and teach a step-by-step process that can be practiced at home, as well as in real-life scenarios, and even while being triggered. This option is not as sexy, I admit. There is no immediate result or experience that the client can remember, in fact at the surface it seems that there is only a set of instructions. Although the client might not have the initial sense of relief, he/she has something that can be much more valuable, which is knowing what to do when anxiety strikes and knowing how to practice and develop on their own the ability to deal with anxiety and eventually overcome it. The client might not consciously know it but now there’s a new possibility, there’s a way to gain control and have power over a situation that before was out of control.
Now the question is, what is the best approach? My perspective is: both! I prefer to take advantage of all the tools and possibilities that are available at any specific moment. In practical terms, it means that I can guide a client through an exercise during a session, leading to a breakthrough-like moment but I won’t stop there. I will record the exercise, so the client can listen daily at home and repeat it in the comfort of his/her own home. Plus, I will teach how to use the exercise in real-life scenarios, facing the challenging triggers that happen in the real world with all its unpredictabilities and discomfort.
I strongly believe that most tools given to clients should be useful in 3 different environments: during a session; in the comfort of their own home; and in real-life scenarios. There are exceptions, of course, but one should always strive to extend the use of a certain tool as much as possible, as long as it is effective. That, not only allows us to understand the core principles of its effectiveness but also allows us to progress much faster.
If you are struggling to transform due to fear, anxiety, or doubt, send me an email ([email protected]). My program is for people like you that have the desire to change and want absolute clarity about their own path but need guidance to transform. Let’s create breakthroughs and implement the most effective step-by-step practices for you.
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Don’t look for quick fixes. Instead, crave to learn tools that you can use and reuse your whole life to solve any problem you might encounter. Become bullet-proof.